See THIS see this!!!
Jogoya is having PROMOTION again~ I don't care~ I want go...I must go..
Even the food doesn't taste superb good, and some people maybe don't like it.
I still want to go.. Can eat as much as I can, and I can eat a lot.
Just forget about the diet plan, hahah..blek~
By the way, 2 for 1 buffet price is sooooo cheap..just I still don't know the exact price.
Plan to find someday to go, promotion only available on weekday for lunch and dinner.
I still have so many things haven't done yet, my exam starts tomorrow.
Erggggg..advance english, I hate english so much. Don't want to failed anymore!!! T.T
I still can't get that kind of 'nervous' mood to sit for exam, want to run away from exam!!
I don't like exam lahhhh~~~~~~~
After my exam finish on next monday, then still have term paper to finish and pass up on 9th March. Yerrrrrr.. dislike dislike...tsk tsk tsk~
Lastly, presentation is on 28th March.. still have a lot of time so I can go to Jogoya between that few weeks. yeay~
One more thing, my dad gonna fly to Japan by tonight, so...erm~ someone sure will happily jump here and there~
Someone please bring me go, LOL i will pay half of the price. Hehehehehh~
Yes, is now~bye
Jogoya is having PROMOTION again~ I don't care~ I want go...I must go..
Even the food doesn't taste superb good, and some people maybe don't like it.
I still want to go.. Can eat as much as I can, and I can eat a lot.
Just forget about the diet plan, hahah..blek~
By the way, 2 for 1 buffet price is sooooo cheap..just I still don't know the exact price.
Plan to find someday to go, promotion only available on weekday for lunch and dinner.
I still have so many things haven't done yet, my exam starts tomorrow.
Erggggg..advance english, I hate english so much. Don't want to failed anymore!!! T.T
I still can't get that kind of 'nervous' mood to sit for exam, want to run away from exam!!
I don't like exam lahhhh~~~~~~~
After my exam finish on next monday, then still have term paper to finish and pass up on 9th March. Yerrrrrr.. dislike dislike...tsk tsk tsk~
Lastly, presentation is on 28th March.. still have a lot of time so I can go to Jogoya between that few weeks. yeay~
One more thing, my dad gonna fly to Japan by tonight, so...erm~ someone sure will happily jump here and there~
Someone please bring me go, LOL i will pay half of the price. Hehehehehh~
Yes, is now~bye
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