There's still Sometimes for us.

Oh yeah. My life is free without assignment and the feeling is soooo awesome, even FINAL is COMING! 

So, recently me and friends are addicted to movie, maybe cinema? One of them watched two movie in one day, and I'm the most normal one. I only watched 2 movies in two weeks time. Although I even plan to watch three movies in one week. Having bunch of crazy friends make me become crazy as well. 

If want to know the story, watch it yourself :p
Both are really nice movies, should spend some time with loves one in cinema no matter how busy you are =)

I was having a buffet date with Felicia, Bow, and Sm at Dirty Nelly's on last Sunday. Little argue happened. I really thought that we can't eat the buffet after all that thing happened but luckily, I still enjoy the food.
Most important, the Mojito and Martinis! Being alcoholic again, drunk again, called again, cried again.. Sigh
This is me. What I always do after I drunk. 
We went to Sing K after that at Big Mouth, Ikea for dinner/shopping and it's my first time going there, back to Bowie's house, go to Nim Teh with bro and his friends, finally I reached home at 12am.

hmmmmmmm..... xD
I don't know what I'm trying to say. Friends around me will know who the person is and what actually happen. I know they know me from the way they respond.
doesn't really need to back off...
Because I don't know how long it would last, maybe until the day I promise. @@
I know it's really sucks to Miss you, brain tell me to stop thinking but my heart tell me don't stop trying.

Eve draw this! I like her drawing so much!

In my hometown
Seriously, WHY?

Should Sleep right now...very sleepy...and very hungry...
And I know there is always "sometimes" for you because I'm just a toy.

Good Night.
